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Hi, I'm Tanisha

My name is Tanisha Shedden


I'm Tanisha, I'm a licensed therapist who is passionate about personal development and helping you create a path to the best version of you!

 I created resources in the directory and blog to help you learn the skills you need to heal yourself and be empowered on your own journey, whether it be setting better boundaries, making goals, healing from trauma, or understanding your own mental health. I also educate and speak throughout the community. Feel free to explore the site or book me to speak.


To work with me in a therapeutic setting click below

To work with me as a speaker or consultant, scroll to my speaker section for details.

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Tanisha Shedden is a multi-passionate professional and clinical social worker dedicated to using leadership to empower others and facilitate personal growth and healing. She has cultivated a diverse range of skills and expertise through her work in counseling, advocacy, coaching and speaking. Tanisha is also a creative artist with a passion for acting and performing. Tanisha  is a School Counselor and private therapist and spoke for TEDxSaltLakeCity speaker in 2023. 

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Created by: Tanisha Shedden @foundbytanisha

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